Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Servant's Heart...

Today we worked. Wearing paper and plastic coveralls, masks to keep us from breathing the black mold, gloves and safety glassess, we walked into a house where the flood waters reached 7 to eight feet high. The furniture that was left was tossed about the room as if they had been weightless. We found treasured family photos where the picture had been washed away. We found two dolls that we named Brenda and Sylvia and had them sitting up to remind us that real people once lived in this house. Somehow a few things survived. Yearbooks in good condition. Some photos with recognizable faces and trinkets we hope are meaningful to this family. We worked hard and long. We were hot, sweaty and tired, but we all kept going. Everyone encouraged and helped each other. A good day. We made good progress. We will return to this house tomorrow. We have a lot to learn about ourselves, each other,the people who endured the storm in New Orleans and our relationsip with God. I pray that God continues to give each a servant's heart. It is turning out to be a great week! Sue S.

1 comment:

sandra said...

After reading your entry I have, what I hope is not, a silly question. Where is the family that belongs to this house? Why haven't they been able to retrieve their yearbooks and precious memories? How is it that after so many years, their possessions are still in the house? I am sure you have many stories. I can't wait to hear them. Sandra

Katrina Came In..

Katrina Came  In..
It was all gone. gone with the wind and water...