Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Christian Thing to Do...

When Katrina hit the Gulf Coast and New Orleans, one of it's victims was the Central United Church of Christ. A predominantly black church it found it's sanctary virtually destroyed by the flood and the winds of Katrina. Shortly thereafter they were invited to worship and share the facilites of St. Matthew's, our host church in this mission trip. This morning we attended services there. The title of the sermon was "Giving God Our Best". It was delivered by Rev. Wilmer Brown, the paster of the Central UCC. It was based on the water to wine miracle of Jesus, but it was so much more about giving God, and, yes, giving life your best and holding nothing in reserve.
Rev. Brown spoke of the tradition of being "defeated by the food of your host." What is meant by that is a good host tries to have so much food and hospitality to bestow upon a guest, that the guest in more than satisfied, he is "defeated" by the food...the food is more than he can take and he is not hungry when he leaves the table. That is the Christian thing to do. To give your best and not reserve it for the end. That when serving the wine, do not give a round of the good stuff until your guests are in a state that they can no longer distinguish the good from the mediocre. Give the good stuff. Give the best you have--always. Do not hold back from those you serve because if you do, you are holding back from God the father, the Source of your good in the First Place.
What a good homily for us to hear as we embark upon our mission of helping to rebuild this city.
And what a good display we witnessed of two very different congregations coming together in a unique blend, giving their best, coming together and forging a new blend of worship and unity. From the ruins arise new beginings. Inspiration comes from those who are not afraid to always give their best...


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Katrina Came In..

Katrina Came  In..
It was all gone. gone with the wind and water...