Simply put, we are here. The plane trip was uneventful. The weather here met us with a shining sun. Driving in, we saw evidence of the storm along the 10 freeway, but now we know we are to see and experience much, much more. Tomorrow after joining St. Matthew's for Sunday service, we will be taking a tour of some of the major areas of devastation. Perhaps, that is when reality will hit. Now it is an adventure, tomorrow, perhaps a true mission. We are steeled against the devil so to speak, but know we need your continuing love and prayers.
Tomorrow night we will get our assignment and orientation. Could be tearing out, could building up, could be cleaning, could be most anything because the need is so overwhelmingly great. We know that, yet reality has not hit us, I imagine. Tomorrow...tomorrow we will know.
We did take a brief tour of the Garden District, the French Quarter and the banks of the Mississippi. Evidence is everywhere from traffic signals that are still not working to markings on the sides of buildings. And the people...the people all seem to glad to see us and always say thank you for coming.
So wish us a good night's sleep because with the dawn comes the dawning.
Glad you are there safe and sound. Rest well tonight. Our congregation will be praying for you when we meet tomorrow morning. With love from your siblings in faith in Redlands UCC.
Yes, we are here and tired would be an understatement. We all had to be at the airport this morning between 4:30 and 5am. Of course that did not keep us from touring, walking and staying up late talking and blogging. On our flight from Houston to New Orleans, we introduced ourselves to the petite black woman who was sitting in our row. Her name was Hazel and she said she was "going home." She said it in such a way that we knew it meant more than returning from a trip. She shared that her home had been destroyed by Katrina and she has been staying with her children and grandchildren in Sacramento since the storm. Well, now her home is finally repaired and refurbished and she is going home where she belongs. We could see the joy in her eyes as she spoke about her neighborhood and her friends that were there. It touched my heart to hear her story and see her smile. I am so blessed to be part of a church that knows how important and loving it is to enable others to "go home."
Glad to know you are all safe and sound and "waiting for the dawn and dawning" as Rob says. Please know that you all do have our love and prayers.
Kerry Johnson-Young is now officially proclaimed a Quinceanara l5 year old, even tho' this was Jane's first duty at this rite. Bette
Hello folks, sat with Bill Hilborn this morning at church. Jane asked folks to use our blog spot to say HI. My porch thermometer read 20 degrees first thing. Hope you are all comfy cozy in your bunk beds. We are praying for your mission. Love Bette
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