I would like to thank everyone who is working on this mission.Those of you who have made the trip possible with your love,prayers and financial support.You all are part of this work. The Redlands UCC just came back from a work trip to New Oleans.One of the stories they shared upon returning was a tale of starfish.The story goes something like this:
A father and son where walking along the beach after a storm.The storm had washed hundreds of starfish up on to the beach.The sun had come out and the starfish were in danger of dying.The child picked two up and ran to the sea.He wadded out into the ocean and lovingly returned the starfish home.When he returned to his father the dad explained that there were too many starfish on the beach to help,that there was no point in trying,that it wouldn't make a difference.The boy responded that it certainly DID make a dfference to those two starfish.
One home,one life at a time you start to put the pieces together. Again thanks to all,thanks to our friends at Redlands UCC for their love and support.Please keep the work group in your thoughts and prayers as they continue the task of returning starfish one and two at a tme to the sea. Anonymous
1 comment:
As part of the Redlands UCC worktrip I wish you and your group all the best. My heart continues to ache as I re-live our trip and read of your experiences. It is so very overwhelming physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Take care of yourselves and pace yourselves in all those areas. Please keep putting those starfish back, one by one and know that although you won't get it ALL done, what you will do will make the world of difference to the families of those homes!
With hope for a rebuilt New Orleans, where everyone will be welcomed home,
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