We went on a tour this afternoon of the devastated areas of New Orleans and its suburbs. Thousands of homes, and I do not exaggerate, remain destroyed, unihabitable or waiting to be rebuilt. We took pictures to try to capture the feeling and bring evidence back with us. But it is hard to describe the feeling of walking up to what was once someone's lovely little home in what was a neighborhood of families, friends and people who are now all gone and may never return. I went inside a couple of the homes that have still not been touched since Katrina. Windows blown out, doors ajar and the house off it foundations, you could sense the ghosts of the people who had resided there until August 2005. The debris inside and out was all that remained. And although many houses have been removed leaving bear foundations or front porch steps to nowhere, nothing speaks to the heart more than finding a Playskool picnic table in the midst of overgrown weeds, a pearl-shell windchime at the door of house with nothing left inside other than bear framing and mold.
Tonight we will be told our assignment. We will be strong and know that we are giving our best. Perhaps the more we share our experience, the more we keep the need of the people here in the minds of all of us, we will have done good beyond our work here, maybe somehow circulating the God has given us here and inspired us and those who here these stories to, at last, do something.
We are with you in spirit. We know first-hand how overwhelming the devestation can be. Please remember to look for all the good among the pain and suffering: The unbroken spirit of the people of the Gulf Coast, the generosity of people like you who are providing assistance, and the hope and renewal that comes from God. You are in our thoughts and prayers. -Loring (from the Redlands United Church of Christ New Orleans Work Trip)
Dear Riverside UCC friends,
I wish you good luck as you begin your work today. When we were in St. Bernard's Parrish we only did the mucking (cleaning out) end of the work. While it was exhausting, both emotionally and physically, it was the most rewarding work I've ever done. My thoughts and prayers will be with you as work. Crazy as it sounds (I've only just this weekend returned to my normal sleeping habbits) I wish I could be there with you.
I hope at some point when you return we, the Redlands UCC and the Riverside UCC, can come together and share our common experience.
New Orleans will rise! Among the many things I saw yesterday were painted signs juxtaposed in these rotting houses that said" We are coming back. We will rebuild, We are New Orleans". I have learned to really love this place and I think New Orleans is a tough old lady and she will be restored. Know that as crazy as it gets, I love you and think you are doing an awesome job my friend.
I would like to thank everyone who is working on this mission.Those of you who have made the trip possible with your love,prayers and financial support.You all are part of this work.
The Redlands UCC just came back from a work trip to New Oleans.One of the stories they shared upon returning was a tale of starfish.The story goes something like this.A father and son where walking along the beach after a storm.The storm had washed hundreds of starfish up on to the beach.The sun had come out and the starfish were in danger of dying.The child picked two up and ran to the sea.He wadded out into the ocean and lovingly returned the starfish home.When he returned to his father the dad explained that there were too many starfish on the beach to help,that there was no point in trying,that it wouldn't make a difference.The boy responded that it certainly DID make a dfference to those two starfish.
The point being that you look at a city and an entire region devasted by a naturual disaster.And then again devasted by the fumbled response by those charged to help.And it can look overwelming.But one home,one life at a time you start to put the pieces together.
Again thanks to all,thanks to our friends at Redlands UCC for their love and support.Please keep the work group in your thoughts and prayers as they continue the task of returning starfish one and two at a tme to the sea.
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