Monday, January 22, 2007

Getting Back to "Normal"

I walked into church Sunday; just like every Sunday before. This Sunday as different though. Just standing and watching the regulars come in for services, I felt so many emotions coming over me. Several times, I feel myself wanting to just burst into tears. I left the services early; about 10:30 and went back to bed. I slept until 5pm. I awoke not quite sure if I had slept though to Monday. I realized I had not and walked through my house almost in a daze. the emotions caught up with me and I just wept uncontrolably. I return to bed around 8pm knowing that this was not going to be an experience I'd soon forget. I don't think any of us who volunteered for this mission will every fully return to life as we knew it. Little things will be constant reminders of our trip and our blessings. Keith


Rob said...

I took Monday off and it has been hard to think off doing anything normal. Somehow so much of what was important before the trip is not important at all now. In fact, I am surprised how many of the pressing issues I was faced with before going have somehow faded in importance.

Power Goddess said...

Keith, You were a light in the dark while we were on our quest, know that you can call me any time. You can call on me as well. You are part of my heart dear one. See you soon.

Sue said...

Keith, I wondered why I did not see you at church after Doug said you were there. Tears were definitely there for me and I am almost relieved that others felt the same. Keith, this tells me so much about your heart. You are awesome! Sue Sinclair

Katrina Came In..

Katrina Came  In..
It was all gone. gone with the wind and water...