Thursday, February 22, 2007

We Speak Out

On Sunday, February 24 at our church home we will tell our stories of our mission trip to New Orleans. I think we all ready to talk yet we are all wondering what it will be like. How will we be able to communitcate the sights, the sounds, the smells? Can anyone truly understand who has not been there? Will we ourselves ever truly understand all we saw and experienced?
We will know, Sunday at noon. We have invited the folks from our sister church in Redlands who went on a similar mission trip just a week before us. We are comrades in arms. We share a similar experience. And we all feel this need to share it because we cannot just forget and move on. Our neighbors are in need. And someday, we may be in need ourselves.

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Katrina Came In..

Katrina Came  In..
It was all gone. gone with the wind and water...